Friday, October 16, 2015

Grilled Peach & Ricotta Crepes with Bourbon Whipped Cream for fredi magazine

The day after I arrived home from my incredible trip to Italy I got right back in the kitchen and tackled my recipe for the Fall issue of fredi Magazine. With my still head swimming with all of the memories of the fantastic smells, sights, and tastes of Italy, it came as no surprise that inspiration for my latest recipe would come so easily.

With the last couple weeks of summer seemingly slipping through my freckled fingers, I wanted to create a dish that featured flavours present in both late summer and fall but presented in way to evoke the feeling of comfort that one associates with those first crisp and cool autumn days. With all of that in mind, I created a recipe and photo that I am really proud to share with you! My Grilled Peach & Ricotta Crepes with Bourbon Whipped Cream turned out wonderful, with fresh and juicy peaches as the star, nestled in a bed of creamy ricotta, and folded into a warm crepe to be topped with bourbon enhanced whipped cream. A true show stopper if I ever saw one! I highly recommend taking advantage of those last fresh Ontario peaches by creating my crepes in your own home. 

Check out my recipe on the fredi Magazine webpage and let me know what you think by tweeting me: @thisgingerrose.

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