Friday, May 2, 2014

Borough Market AKA That Time I Fell In Love With A Market In London, England

Borough Market signage; An assortment of gorgeous wild mushrooms; Beautiful green produce everywhere; Huge vats of freshly prepared curries.
When I came home from my incredible trip to the UK almost two months ago all I wanted to talk about was my last few days in London, England, which were filled with some of the most mind-shifting, sensory overloaded experiences of my life. I was so eager to share these unique experiences that my words would turn into a jumble of chaotic nonsense that only my boyfriend Chris, with whom I got to experience my UK adventure with, could understand. I was sure that writing would be the avenue that would allow me to properly articulate the feelings, sights, smells, tastes, and sounds that so pleasantly overwhelmed me in those last few days, but to my dismay, each time I sat in front of my computer, fingers poised at the keyboard, the words refused to come. Instead I would slip into a foggy, dreamy state, full of nostalgia as I took myself back into the vibrant Borough Market, with a cone full of cured meats in my hand; through the dark and eery rooms of Temple Studios, with my heart racing; squeezed into a corner in the incredibly packed Maple Leaf Bar, watching our Canadian women's hockey team take home the gold; perched on a couch sipping a bone marrow bloody mary at Lounge Bohemia; and surrounded by brute Brits, shouting inaudible chants at the Arsenal game. 
Artichokes, and green onions, and parsnips OH MY; Mustard heaven; Olive heaven; Lord London cheese.
With back-to-reality-induced writers block, I kept putting off writing the entry I had previously been so fired up to write, to the point where I sit here now, over two months later, wondering where all that time went, and how I could possibly find the words to write anything of value about it now. So rather than wrack my brain to attempt to piece together all these memories, I give you a simple photo diary of my experience at the absurdly wonderful Borough Market, AKA where I publicly foodgasm'd for two hours. Despite National Geographic donning my familiar St. Lawrence Market with the crown of "top food market in the world", there is no doubt that London's Borough Market takes the cake...and the doughnut...and the spelt almond croissant...and the cheese...and the meat...and the fresh shucked oysters...and the hand-made gnocchi...and the fresh-pressed juice...and the-ok, you get the point. 
Chicken, duck, and quail eggs; Fresh oysters; Cheese, glorious cheese; Olive heaven.
Incredible dried meats; 4 pounds for meat cones? You had me at meat cones!; So much cheese; Meat cones, best idea! 
Fantastic selection of unbelievably delicious and pillowy freshly-made stuffed pastas; Olive oil for days; Hope you're not a vegetarian; Fresh and light as a feather potato gnocchi in tomato sauce.
Everything is better with burrata; Fresh-squeezed juice in every flavour imaginable; Melted cheese! MELTED CHEESE!; Look at the buffalo mozzarella oozing out of those sandwiches! JUST LOOK AT IT!
The best doughnut in existence! Why oh whyyy did the three of us split only one?! WHYYY?!?!

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