Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekly Roundup - August 3, 2012

TFOB Media Lounge - Another one of those close-to-perfect summer days in Toronto, last Saturday I attended the Toronto Festival of Beer as part of their media group. Hitting up the festival donning a "MEDIA" bracelet on your wrist certainly has it's benefits. With a shaded, closed off Media Lounge, complete with big cozy couches, a bar, Wifi, and a ton of swag, I started off my TFOB experience feeling pretty darn spoiled. Here I am kickin' back in the lounge, enjoying my first beer of the fest!

TFOB Media Lounge - Here's my first drink of the festival, a cold glass of Labatt 50, compliments of the Media Lounge! A tasty way to start my beer tour! Check out the cute little beer sampling glasses that each guest received. Made out of real glass this year, the festival planners sure put a lot of trust in a huge group of drunk beer drinkers!

Toronto Festival of Beer - Here I am a few hours into the festival, double fisting two empty sampling glasses, wearing a sexy pair of beer goggles that I borrowed from a stranger I met in line. Clearly I have had my share of beer at this point. Big ups to my sister and photographer for the day, Justine Rose, who was by my side all day capturing all of the hilarity! Can't wait to show you more of her pics!

Napoleon Grilling Tent TFOB - One of my favourite parts of the festival was getting to hang out in the Napoleon Rockstar Grilling Tent, where we got to watch Chef Craig Harding from Campagnolo and Rob Rossi from recently opened Bestellen and Top Chef Canada do their thing, cooking up some delicious gourmet food samples for a surprisingly captive (considering all the beer involved) audience. Here's Chef Harding grilling up some delicious octopus and chorizo sausage that was paired with a classic Budweiser.

Napoleon Grilling Tent TFOB - Here's Chef Rob Rossi and Frank Vanditti from Bestellen Restaurant introducing themselves as they begin their culinary demo. These two charmers had every girl in the audience blushing red, and let me tell you, it wasn't just from the beer!

Rob Rossi's Grilled Scallops with Mushrooms - Chef Rossi impressed us all with his delicious sample of grilled scallops with mushrooms, paired with another classic, Alexander Keiths. It was great to see him in action, tasting and following his instincts along the way, changing up the recipe to suit the conditions. The scallops were originally supposed to be seared in a pan on the grill, but at the last minute Rossi changed his mind and placed the scallops right on the grill. Another last minute change to the recipe was a quick garnish of fresh cilantro, an addition that I think made the dish sing! After trying his sample, I can't wait to see what else Rossi has to offer at Bestellen!

Frank Ocean at Kool Haus - One of my new favourite artists, Frank Ocean is quickly taking over the music scene with his newly released first record Channel Orange. Channel Orange has been on heavy rotation on my ipod since it's release 2 weeks ago, so you can imagine how insanely excited I was to check out the talented Ocean belt it out live! Man does this kid have some talent! Can't wait to see where his career takes him!

Jamie's Bachelorette - After spending all day in the sun, downing beer after beer, I rushed into a cab and back uptown to attend my best friend Robin's sister's bachelorette! A hilarious, wild good time, I think Robin successfully planned a night that her sister Jamie will never forget! I had to censor the image, but it's pretty easy to use your imagination here...

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Listening To:
The Echo Friendly - Same Mistakes
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1 comment:

  1. What a great way to enjoy the day! The art of drinking and enjoying beer. Awesome.
