Now that Kitchen Crashers is up on the blog I can finally resume my regular posts! Kitchen Crashers took a lot of my creative energy and, being a true Libra, that meant a whole lot of procrastination. Well procrastinator no more, because I'm motivated and energized to get back into action! I've got lots of great recipes that I've created over the past few months that I'm super excited to start posting, but I also want to start sharing more than just my own recipes with you (like I used to). I come across so many wonderful recipes that are perfect just as they are, that don't make it onto the blog because I haven't made any revisions and adjustments. They're great recipes, but I no longer feel comfortable posting the recipe for you on Ginger Rose when it's entirely not my own. I also want to begin posting more frequently, so sharing photos and links of recipes created by others is the perfect opportunity to make that happen. I've also got my Tumblr account back up and running, where I share both food and non-food related things that I find interesting, so definitely give that a look! I also want to take the opportunity to thank my readers who have still been checking out the blog throughout these inactive months. I appreciate your patience and loyalty more than I can express! I'd love to learn more about you, what you like to cook and eat, and what you'd like to see on Ginger Rose, so let's start getting the conversation going! The Ginger Rose fan page is the perfect place to interact with both myself and other Ginger Rose readers. So if you haven't already "liked" my page, what the heck are you waiting for?! Give it a "like" and say 'hi!' Why not post a link of the last great recipe that YOU made! I wanna hear all about it! What's the last great recipe that I came across? Williams Sonoma's recipe for Grilled Chicken, Korean Style was delicious, easy, and quite quick to prepare. I still can't work my grill, so I made it in a grill pan, which worked great. It was a big hit at my house and I think you'll love it too! I mean just look at that photo! Hungry yet? I even loved the leftover chicken the next day cut into a fajita. Give it a try the next time you're stumped on what to make for dinner! I hope you enjoy it!
Good post. For a little light relief here's a funny about procrastination