One of my best friends is my sister Justine...now if you know me and haven't spoken to me recently, you may find this a bit odd. The truth is, my sister and I didn't always get along. Growing up we were like two peas in a pod, always together, best friends, but as we grew older and went through changes in our lives, we began to drift apart. Going through that rift was torturous! Two redheads should never fight, because let me tell you, everything they have said about redheads having a bad temper is absolutely correct! This rift between us went on for years, and it was only until very recently (within the past two months!) that we put everything behind us and have begun getting along just as we used to! I cannot tell you how much happier I have been having my best friend back. Justine is such an incredible and unique person that I am so proud to call my sister!
But just as Justine and I began getting along, she finally found the perfect little apartment to rent with her boyfriend. As sad as I am to have Justine move out, and as weird as it is for my little sister to be moving in with a boy, I am so happy to see her so excited to have her very own place! My sister and her boyfriend can party like champs (seriously I don't know how they do it!), so clearly they had to celebrate their new home by throwing a housewarming party!
Justine's all-time favourite dessert is Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies, so I could think of no better treat to make Justine and her boyfriend for their party! Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies are dense semi-sweet chocolate brownies with ribbons of velvety cheesecake marbled within the batter. Chocolate chips are scattered whole through the batter, giving texture to the squares as well as incredibly chocolaty bites! After you try these, they will surely become a favourite of yours as well!
I love you so much Justine and I don't want you to ever forget it! You mean the world to me and you truly are the best sister I could ever ask for. I love you up to the sky and back again! xo - Stink
1 package (250 g) of cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sugar, divided
3 eggs
1 package (280 g) of chocolate chips, divided
1/4 cup butter
2/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese with 1/4 cup sugar and 1 egg until smooth.
2. Make a double boiler by placing a bowl over a pot of about 1 inch of simmering water on the stove. Melt 1 cup of chocolate chips with the butter in the bowl over the pot of water.
3. Stir in the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 eggs until well blended.
4. Stir in flour, baking powder, and salt.
5. Pour half of the chocolate mixture into a greased 9-inch square baking pan. Stir in remaining chocolate chips into cream cheese. Pour evenly over chocolate mixture in pan.
6. Top with remaining chocolate mixture. Run a knife through the pan back and forth to create a marble effect.
7. Bake in a 350ยบ oven for 25-30 minutes. Cool, and cut into squares.
Click here to check out Justine's blog!
I have the most amazing sister in the world. It's no wonder she's my best friend too. I love you a ton! these chocolate cheesecake brownies were absolutely amazing. Im so lucky to have a sister who can cook, sing, act, dance, clean, be a blast and so much fun, i love you a ton, you are amazing, and perfect, and i will forever look up to you.
you deserve the best things in life
visit me lots. anytime. one call. text. or duncans phone away. im there!
ps. make me more food too :D
What a beautiful gift to give bless your heart....
Oh.my.goodness. I'm recording this asap and making them very very soon.
Thank you for this recipe, they look delicious. *And the combination of two of my favourite things in one? Priceless*
Your blog is lovely.
Awesome post! I love the cheesecake brownies that you baked up as a gft for your sister. Very nice.
These brownies look soooo fabulous. I'm bookmarking them right now! Sweet story about you and your sister.
I'm happy you and your sister are back to being friends. I have 4 sisters, and growing up together was an adventure. Lots of fighting, but we are all best friends as adults.
Thanks for posting that delicious recipe!!
This looks amazing!
ps stop by my blog I have a giveaway!
I cant think of a better house warming gift..YUM! You make me want a sister..I have 2 brothers. Thanks for the delicious recipe.
I can relate with your story, Danielle. My sibling and I always fight when we were young, except that she's a girl. I remember knocking her front tooth accidentally when we were havin' an argument in high school, and I accompanied her to the dentist in Clemson. Years had passed and we have forgiven each other. She's gonna move to Europe for a little while for school, so mom and I are planning a party for her. Chocolate cheesecake brownies are her fave treat. Thanks!
Amazing blog - beautiful photos, and all the food looks incredible. I just baked these brownies a couple hours ago, and unfortunately they were not as good as I had hoped :( I don't know whether it was me being a terrible baker, but they're just not great. I think the semi-sweet chocolate chips could be swapped for Skor Bits, as I think that would add some interesting flavour and maybe turn out better?
I will be sure to try that and let you know :)
Keep it up!
I'm sorry to hear that Pamela. I'm not sure if something went wrong in the process or if it's just not your cup of tea. I've received a very good response with others on this recipe on ease of execution, flavor, and texture. I will definitely give your Skor bit suggestion a try! I looove Skor bits and can definitely see that working here! Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate your honesty. Take care.
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